

Welcome to our home – our church home.  Let’s get acquainted.

I delight in telling people that this congregation is made up of people who…

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love the Lord.  We know that we’re all messed up sinners.  We struggle with temptations, with broken relationships, with failures and pains and problems of all kinds.  But we also know that God saves sinners like us, by His amazing grace, through Jesus’ death on the cross.  And we love Him for it.


IMG_3789love God’s Word.  We focus on Biblical preaching and teaching, for we know, as Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).  The Bible tells us of God’s love for us, of His great plan for this universe and how we fit into it.  The Bible gives us wisdom and guidance for navigating the hazards of life, and gives us comfort and hope when we stumble or fall.

Liz Olsen & Hannah Patterson

love one another.  There is a closeness and caring in this group, a real family atmosphere.   We take seriously the Lord’s command to “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2).  We enjoy getting together for worship, for fellowship, for work or play.  We pray for each other, we cry and laugh together, and we strive to encourage each other.

Come on in!  Make yourself at home.  We’d love to have you as a part of this family.